Wednesday 29 January 2014

First post

Hello. Welcome to the SLOGzilla. I will be using this to document my progress within the course. If you've been given this link, you probably already know which course, so I won't mention it! :)

Speaking of privacy concerns... I hope that the instructor does not choose to disseminate the student list of SLOGs in a manner that associates student identity with each SLOG URL. Should we wish to discuss our identity here, that is the result of an individual's choice. But, given a list of all identities correlated with URLs, a single person could (possibly even inadvertently) post the list somewhere publicly indexable, and all assumption of privacy is removed without our permission. Please pass on this feedback if you are anyone who is in a position of influence within the course organization.

Otherwise, all future posts will likely be technical in nature. I mostly enjoy reflecting on things I've learned, so you will see a lot of posts like that, interspersed amongst those SLOG entries on which the subject has been assigned. I will group like posts with the "labels" feature.